[Updated] Does the 2K Pro Xiaomi Mi 360 Home Security Camera Work without Internet

You are currently viewing [Updated] Does the 2K Pro Xiaomi Mi 360 Home Security Camera Work without Internet

The Xiaomi Mi 360 Home Security Camera 2K Pro is a popular Home security solution. But as far as the security cameras go, this one has a very significant Achilles heel.

The problem with the Xiaomi Mi 360 Home security camera 2k Pro is its ability to record security footage without internet connectivity. The description of this camera clearly says this camera works only in the presence of active internet connectivity.

I had checked this issue previously in another post on the ability of the Mi 360 camera to work without the internet. You can read the post here.

In that video, I found that the camera can record even after the connectivity is cut. But in the last year, 2 more updates have come for the 2K Pro camera. I wanted to check whether the camera can record in the absence of connectivity.

Here is a video for the video enthusiasts

Mi 360 Home Security Camera 2K Pro: Does it record without Internet?
Mi 360 Home security camera 2K Pro without internet

Through this test, I am trying to ascertain two main things

Q1: Can the Mi Home 2K Pro Camera Restart Recording after a power failure if the Internet is there?

Ans: Yes. The Mi Home Camera can restart recording after a power failure provided that there is no disruption to Wi-Fi Network. But as the camera records videos as clips of 60 seconds duration, you will lose footage of up to 60 seconds prior to the power loss.

Moreover, the camera restarts the recording only after approximately 46 seconds after the power comes back to the Mi Home Camera.

So, overall, you might lose anywhere between 46 seconds and 1 minute 46 seconds in case of a power failure.

The important thing about restarting of recording is that important footage immediately prior to power failure will be lost. This is an unacceptable trade-off.

Q2: Can the 2K Pro Camera restart recording if the internet connection is absent?

Ans: NO. The camera will stop recording footage to the memory card in case the internet connectivity is lost. It will not restart recording until the internet connectivity comes back.

I find this feature in 2K Pro truly a deal breaker. I know this camera is advertised as an exclusive internet camera but it should have recorded the footage to a memory card even when the internet connectivity is absent.

I checked the ability of this camera to automatically start recording after a power loss. This test was carried out while having active internet connectivity and not having one.

One thing you need to know about this camera is the fact that the camera records security footage as clips of 60 seconds duration. At the end of the time, the saving happens. So, in case of a power failure, you can lose footage of up to 60 seconds.

After the updates, the Mi 360 security camera 2k pro stops recording right after the loss of internet connectivity. It will not restart recording without getting the network back. It will not record even if the power came back a long time ago.

So if you are planning to buy the Xiaomi Mi 360 Home security Camera 2K Pro, you need to make sure that there is no disruption to internet connectivity. Otherwise, this camera is only as good as a fake one.

Novice Aide

I am passionate about helping others with the information I learned in my interactions and usage of technology

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